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Annual conference of the Canadian Research Data Centers Network (CRDCN)

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SSSG members are presenting their work at the annual conference of the Canadian Research Data Centers Network (CRDCN) in Hamilton, Ontario on November 22 and 23.

Yacine Boujija (INRS) presents the results of the study “Leveraging Tax Data for Education Research: Complementing and Validating measures of PSE Participation through T1FF-LISA Linkage'”, carried out in collaboration with SSSG Director Xavier St-Denis (INRS).

Xavier St-Denis (INRS) presents the following study, carried out with Winnie Yang (McGill) and Gaëlle Simard-Duplain (Carleton): “Documenting and explaining gender variations in social mobility patterns: Evidence from a large dataset of Canadian taxfilers”.

Finally, Winnie Yang (McGill) presents “Wage Trajectories of Individuals in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Evidence from Administrative Data”, an analysis conducted with Nicole Denier (U. Alberta), Xavier St-Denis (INRS) and Sean Waite (Western).

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