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Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Digital Data Collection and Analysis

With Cédric Brunelle (INRS) and Yacine Boujija (INRS)

On Friday, November 1st, 2024, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Room: 1106 (385, Sherbrooke East Street, Montreal, QC)
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This GESS workshop includes two presentations by researchers who have recently used artificial intelligence in their work. Our two guests will describe how they applied AI in their processes of data collection, processing, and analysis in research. Their presentations will introduce some technical aspects related to the use of AI in research, providing accessible insights to guide researchers interested in adopting these methods.

Yacine Boujija, an assistant professor in population studies at INRS, will share the results of a bibliometric analysis in which he uses advanced language models (BERT, GPT) to explore the evolution and specificities of the study of internal and international migration in demography over the past 70 years using academic bibliographic databases.

Cédric Brunelle, an associate professor in urban studies at INRS, will present his use of the OpenAI API to structure and harmonize massive business data from the Quebec Business Register, including textual data.

Both presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and open discussion with the audience.